the Quiet Out Loud with Jennifer Mock
The Quiet Out Loud
Four Ways Christians Can Live Out Their Faith in the Midst of Evil

Four Ways Christians Can Live Out Their Faith in the Midst of Evil

companies are no longer marketing products, they are marketing ideologies. we are exposed to a constant outpouring of anti Christian what do we do?

Below are the posts from my instagram stories:

We should be in constant prayer and petition and geared up with the full armor of God.

Here are four ways we can be counter-cultural and live out our Christian faith.

  1. Live at peace in the midst of chaos (Romans 12:8)

  2. Never forsake the truth (John 8:32)

  3. Shake the dust off your feet (Luke 4:14-30 / Matthew 10:14)

  4. Avoid and shun evil (2 Timothy 3)

Link to article referenced:

the Quiet Out Loud with Jennifer Mock
The Quiet Out Loud
Truth, faith, culture, and logic.